I'm back to being a redhead! Red hair just makes so much more sense to me in the fall and it's less maintenance than pink hair...although I must admit I missed my pink hair as soon as the red started to dry. Oh well! Full details on my process and dyes to come this afternoon if anyone's curious. Anyway, this was a rainy day when it finally started to feel like autumn and I wore a new dress from White Plum and felt quite fancy. It's funny I don't usually pick dresses with details around the neckline like this, but I tried one earlier this summer and felt like I some of that random fashion advice I had read or seen on television shows like What Not To Wear clicked for the first time. Like, "pick neutral dresses with interesting details around the neckline to draw the eye up and focus more attention on your face." It's something Stacey or Clinton would recommend and never really sunk in for me, but when I put a dress like this on it all makes sense. All that to say, I like the style. I'm still a sucker for peter pan collars and polka dots, but something about this look feels more mature to me--as if I'm less likely to be mistaken for a teenager in this dress...maybe.
P.S. If you like this dress (or another one) at White Plum use the code CLOTHEHSORSE for 20% off your entire order from now through Friday!

Outfit details: