I used to wear a lot more mixed prints in college and even wrote a few articles offering tips on how to wear them for various websites, but I haven't worn the style much lately. It isn't a conscious decision, I think my more minimalist tendencies have just come out more through the years. I'm trying to get a better lock on my style lately--well, more than usual. I mean style is this constantly evolving target; as soon as you start to figure out how you like to look some aspect of your life changes and you need to adjust. You suddenly feel "too old" for certain pieces or all those pretty blouses you had for your office job feel too stuffy in a new creative position. I've hung on to many pieces for sentimental reasons or because they were in good condition and now I'm having to think very hard if they're worth paying to move across an ocean...It's a good thing I've moved around often enough that clothes are my main concern. I have no big pieces of furniture or loads of knick-knacks to pack up--just books, vintage magazines, and loads of dresses!