This week is turning into a week of leftover posts! Sometimes I don't like photographs after an initial edit or end up liking a different set more and post things out of order. These photographs kept getting pushed around and now they're quite off season for the current weather! Anyway, remember this old abandoned train car? It's an old food car complete with dusty seats and decaying kitchen. You can see some older pictures I took in it here and here. From the outside they just look like rusting out trains, but when you get inside you have these lovely seafoam walls and interesting design details. They're not quite a romantic as the vision of trains you see in movies from the 50s (North by Northwest comes to mind), but there's still something intriguing exploring inside them...despite the terrible graffiti. It's also hard to believe that I was wearing this just a few weeks ago--bare legs seem like ancient history. I'm a sucker for little pleated skirts though, I want one in every color and they're classic no matter the season.

"'Twas in November,
in the winter time,
An' the ground all covered wid snow,
'Come, put the hand-car-r on the track,
An' over the section go!'
Wid his big sojer coat
buttoned up to his t'roat
All weathers he wud dare
An' it's 'Paddy Mack,
will yez walk the track,
An' Jerry, go an' oil that car!'"