Red has been my favorite color to wear since I was a teenager but my rather ridiculous collection of red dresses began later in my own Pavlovian-attempt a brainwashing. I was into a guy whose favorite color was red and decided to collect as much red clothing as possible so that every time he saw me I'd be wearing red and I'd start being one of his favorites. It was less about conditioning and more about being too shy to function. I've often tried to get my clothes to speak for me. As my rather dismal dating history might indicate I was unsuccessful in the romantic aspect, but I have no regrets since I still have and wear every dress I acquired in those brief infatuated months...Anyway, I'm still a sucker for red clothes and this skirt is quite lovely addition to the collection. I envisioned wearing it with a more delicate blouse, but on a rainy day I opted for comfort instead in the form of one of my softest sweaters and worn-in boots.