When I was offered the chance to try out a stress-relieving product from RESCUE, my response was an enthusiastic yes. I've been trying to avoid talking about my stresses on the blog for a number of reasons (people just want to see pretty pictures, whatever is affecting me is minuscule compared to others' struggles, writing about certain worries would give them more weight, etc), but my stress levels are at an all-time high lately. In the end my problems might not compare to others, but my blog has always been about sharing my personal experiences--I've talked about insomnia in college, feeling ugly, and being undateable, so it's weird to not share that I'm feeling overwhelmed. Trying to sort out moving overseas, fixing up our future home, visas, financial worries and wedding details is taking a toll on me mentally and physically.
While being productive and around Thomas for a few weeks has definitely helped, I'm also trying to be smart about how I deal with stress. The thing is even when my current issues are sorted new problems will arrive in the future--I can't prevent myself from experiencing stress but I can start to improve the way I deal with it. So, I've been using my wide-awake nights to follow yoga videos on Youtube and practice my breathing. I've been taking time out to just lose myself in a good book (the one place I can truly forget everything else). I also make time to paint my nails; it's a small pampering thing but in addition to making my nails look more festive but also helps me clear my head so my thoughts can temporarily stop racing.
And for the past week I've been carrying RESCUE pastilles around in my purse to chew on whenever I start to feel overwhelmed. I tried out the Elderflower flavor since I've really liked Elderflower after having it for the first time this past summer when Thomas's mother made Elderflower juice from scratch. The pastilles are sweet and light and in addition to being natural and non-habit forming, the flavor now reminds me of a bright summer day and why all this current stress is worth it. If you're interested in trying them out yourself, you can get a special coupon by following this link.
Does anyone care to share their tips for how they manage stress? I could use some pointers!

Outfit details:
old cardigan (DIY tutorial here)
old oxfords (similar)
old purse
old purse
*pictures by Thomas