Outfit: Croatia Vintage

I love how special vintage dresses are. When I first started wearing vintage it was largely a budget decision; I found vintage cheaply in thrift stores or got good deals on eBay. I didn't have a lot of disposable income, but I wanted to wear nice and unique dresses. Now I invest less time in thrift shops searching, but many of my favorite pieces are still those decades old dresses with secrets sewn into the seams. I love the idea of my pieces having history before me and a future after me; that dresses new or old that I sell or donate will continue to be worn and enjoyed. In a dream future I'll be a grey-haired old lady and I'll randomly meet a young girl wearing a dress I had worn when I was younger. It would be such a thrill to see someone re-wearing and interpreting a dress I hadn't seen in years. It probably won't happen, but if it did...Anyway, all of that vintage rambling to say today I'm wearing one of those special vintage dresses, this one only borrowed from Croatia Vintage. Croatia Vintage has been one of my favorite shops for vintage on Etsy for a few years and it was fun to have a few of her lovely pieces on loan to briefly wear and appreciate, before passing them along to others who will add their own stories to the clothes.


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