I have found my fall look...or the main fall theme for me anyway: geek chic. I always side-eye magazines a bit when they label a look as "geek chic" and it's basically a usual outfit + glasses. Even in the past when I've worn outfits with glasses I get comments that my look is "geek chic," but it's an outfit of a nice dress that sans glasses wouldn't be considered geeky or nerdy at all. To me glasses don't automatically turn an outfit into something geeky; instead geeky elements are button-down blouses (extra points for prints of bugs and plants or something rather science-y), skirts that mimic school uniforms, knee high socks, saddle shoes, suspenders/braces, etc. I don't mean to get into a rant of how I visualize geeky or nerdy style but rather say: this is going to be a big trend for me this fall. More separates, more blouses, and probably this skirt a lot--it's still early for fall yet but I'm already eager to wear this exact outfit with tights (maybe these with the trail of ants down the leg to continue the insect theme!), a parka, and knit hat.

*all pictures by me*