If you needed any further evidence that the inspiration posts I make influence how I style myself, look no further than this post. After compiling all of my inspiration pictures for my Wes Anderson ladies post last week this outfit that is so clearly Agatha (from Grand Budapest Hotel) inspired emerged from my closet. It's funny because hardly anything I'm wearing is new (the dress has been in my closet for months, the jacket's been around for at least four years, the mittens are from last winter, etc), but it's a combination I never would have thought of before. But you start to break-down the details in your favorite collections or styles in movies and patterns and colors emerge that you can emulate with pieces in your own wardrobe. It's not an Agatha costume exactly, but I can't look at it and not start thinking about Mendl's pastries.

details: hair clip, Chicwish dress, tights, brogues c/o Cloggs, saddle purse, old trench, old mittens
*pictures by Thomas*