I've been quite grateful this week for scheduled posts. I caught my first cold/flu of the season last week and am still feeling out-of-sorts. I've barely stepped past my bedroom or put on "real" clothes this week, but thankfully I always work a little in advance and had a few posts scheduled for this week taken on brighter, healthier days. I was thinking about planning a little Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving meal with some friends this month since it's not as easy to pop home to my parents for a proper meal, but after this week I'm much more on the "I'd rather not bother" side of things. Haha. Already over here without the Thanksgiving barrier between Halloween and Christmas it's starting to feel quite Christmas-y in shops and towns. Festive lights are being hung, store shelves are full of a variety of unnecessary objects in cherry red and green packaging, and there's a general cheer in the air. I wonder if they'll have a 24/7 Christmas music station on the radio--I highly doubt A Christmas Story will be showing on any of the channels over here for 24 hours!

*all pictures by me*