My sister found this vintage jacket for Thomas while we were shopping in Maryland and Thomas has been wearing it nearly non-stop since then, but I managed to pry it out of his arms for these photographs at the bleachers near my parents house. Normally I would have styled it with more decade-themed or retro pieces, but since I was working out of a suitcase I just threw on a few basics and let the styling tell the story. Even a simple wrap top and comfy velvet skirt look suitably retro and cheerleader-esque paired with a high ponytail and varsity jacket. It's funny what big of a difference styling makes and how it betrays your sensitivities. When I chose this top and skirt I was thinking of wearing them in a more basic, classic way--maybe a trench coat, some thick socks, and ankle boots. But of course when I end up wearing them I can't resist trying to channel the fifties and looking quite a bit off from my original basic/minimal idea. So one of my style resolutions for 2016 is to stop fighting my instincts and natural preferences by getting basics and just go more full-on vintage and retro in my outfits. If I'm more comfortable in vintage inspired looks why fight it?

details: Freyrs sunglasses, vintage varsity jacket, Unique Vintage top, Modcloth skirt, BaliElf shoes
*pictures by Thomas*