When Wolford sent me their multi-functional scarf to play with a lot of modern scarf-tying looks came to mind. The scarf comes with a little booklet showing you a few ways to get creative with your scarf, but as I played with mine in the mirror I kept coming back to a draped, almost cape-like shape. It felt very old world and romantic, so I couldn't resist pairing it with a dramatic vintage brooch and long-flowing gown. The shape and style of the look harkens to long-gone times (and makes me feel one step closer to being a Pre-Raphaelite muse), although the pineapple print keeps things pretty modern and light-hearted! This dress was clearly meant for summer, but I couldn't resist wearing it now and styled this way--with sensible tights and boots--it works for this season as well.

*all photographs by me*