In autumn when it starts to hit 50 degrees I'm shivering and reaching for our coats, but after a long winter when the sun is out and it hits the mid-50s suddenly I'm ready to bare my legs and leave my coat at home! It feels as if it has been months since the sun shined in Ireland and now it's out almost every day and the park beside us which was silent as a tomb all winter is filled every morning with the chatter of walkers and children on the playground. Everyone seems eager to take advantage of the good weather and savour it while it lasts. I've been longing to wear lightweight little sundresses, so I couldn't resist this gingham one. It reminds me of picnics and will look sweet with sandals this summer, but today I tried a little Dorothy-inspired look with a vintage basket purse and a felt flower nod to the deadly poppy fields clipped in my hair. A lot of girls seem inspired by Alice's adventures in Wonderland, but I've personally always felt a stronger connection to Dorothy in Oz. They're both far from home and a little bit lost, but making friends and discoveries along the way. I really enjoyed L. Frank Baum's books when I was younger although my outfit's inspiration stems more from the film than the movie. The shoes were silver in the book.

*all pictures by me*