Isn't this the prettiest wall of flowers?
We spotted it last spring while on a walk and this spring I've been stopping by the wall routinely, waiting patiently for it to bloom again. Then one day, we went by and there it was again in all its glory--covered with creeping vines of clematis apple blossom in nearly full bloom. I think it will actually bloom a bit more before the blossoms start to fall away, so I'll probably be back by this wall again in the next couple of weeks to snap more pictures. It's far too pretty to not document in great detail!

Does this dress look familiar to you? I first wore it on the blog almost exactly two years ago, back in May of 2014 while exploring antique malls and vintage shops in Pennslyvania with Thomas. I had red hair then and between my hair and Thomas's accent one of the shopowners told me, "you look so Irish!" I suppose that's why I still think of this as my green Irish spring dress. Yes, I semi-name certain dresses and pieces in my closet; mostly I associate them with specific scenes or moments. Anyway, I like this dress as much now as I did when I first got it (and Modcloth restocked it if anyone else is interested in it) and styled it up a bit more vintage-inspired this time.

French Connection hat, dress c/o Modcloth, old shoes, vintage purse
*pictures by Thomas*