Well, this ended up looking far more like a perfume ad than I had intended!
The novelty purse in the form of a giant perfume bottle might have tipped it in that direction. I'm not really a fume-head at all; I don't wear perfume most days, but I do like collecting perfumes when I travel and I tend to choose them based on the look of bottles. Of all the product packaging in the world, perfume bottles are the best designed and most beautiful. I love the quirky vintage ones with balloon pumps attached in a delicately tinted glass. I'd like to collect them one day, but it's another collection I keep putting off. I put off collections before because I was always on the move (and since I've lived in my current home for only one year it's probably too early to say I'm "settled") and now I postpone collecting breakables until I live in a larger home (which might never happen!). But really who needs a shelves of delicate petite bottles when you have one large novelty purse in the shape of a bottle?

This post also begs the questions, if I made a signature scent what would the notes be? What does eau de clothes horse smell like?

*all pictures by me*