When you’re young it feels as if anything can--and might--happen on summer vacation.
You might find a water monster at your local lake or fall in love with a handsome stranger at the beach (when you’re slightly older and actually start to find romance intriguing). You hope you can go somewhere new and strange, or to discover some hidden secret about your home town that was previously hidden from you. Wherever you wind up, you want to be swept away in adventure. With new freckles on your nose and no obligations you feel as if adventure might actually find you. When you’re older the feeling fades; summer vacation might not exist with your job at all or be relegated to a few short weeks or long weekends, but the feeling is still here, latent underneath the reality of paying for holiday rentals and worrying about skin cancer (concerns that never seemed to exist when you were six). Every summer I feel the desire in me to return to that child-like optimism. Why can't you spy a sea monster on your day at the beach or stumble across some mysterious town secret that everyone tries to keep hidden?

*pictures by Thomas*