And I go back to red...
While I do love dipping my toes in other hair colors (and accessory colors), I inevitably feel drawn back to red. Red hair. A favorite pair of red flats. My favorite red lipstick shade which, like my shoes, hasn't been replaced in years. I'm pulling out a lot of the old favorites in this post and one new one--a pretty velvety dress by Nightmare Daydream finished with little red bows. Even that feels like an old favorite. I've always had a soft spot for velvet and vintage-inspired dresses with full skirts and crisp white collars. Any dip in my archive shows these elements again and again and I for one am not fighting it (at least for now!). Going back to red hair feels like going back to what is familiar; like your favorite dish that your mother makes you every year on your birthday. It's a fitting sensation giving our dreary weather lately. I've been pulling out all of my old favorites to combat these grey days--re-reading favorite books, nibbling on favorite sweets, and playing old playlists on repeat.

beret, Nightmare Daydream dress, old flats, old purse
*all pictures by me*