A week long boat trip around Croatia sounds good on paper. When you first hear about MedSailors and contemplate the holiday you're ecstatic. Your own private yacht sailing around islands for seven days, what could be more fun? Then the holiday approaches, you start searching for new swimsuits and packing your suitcase and your nerves kick in. Will you get seasick? How tiny is that cabin? What about close quarters with total strangers (six other passengers beside us plus skipper)--that could get old quick! But it's too late, you've bought your tickets, packed your bags, and there's nothing left to do but go. You get to your yacht, walk past seven strangers with your tiny suitcase into your tiny cabin and your nerves hum at an all-time high. You quickly unpack, slip out of your travel clothes and into something lighter and climb back on deck. It takes a few minutes but suddenly the strangers seem like friends and the tight space below seems secondary to the whole Adriatic Sea being your oyster. What is a tiny cabin compared to the open seas and sky stretching out above you? One of your crew brought a pirate flag and as they raise it up the mast you feel your spirits rising with it.
In the end all of the nerves were for nothing. Our boat became a tight-knit crew with everyone down for a laugh and ready to pitch in with chores or sailing. Thomas loved being behind the wheel, steering into the wind and pointing out dolphins as they swam alongside us. Only one person got seasick at the beginning of the week and even that quickly passed--as did the week itself. You went to sleep every night on the boat, rocked by gentle waves, and awoke the next morning to set off to a new destination. After a few days you start to forget the names--Sesula, Vis, Korcula, Stari Grad, Hvar--but you'll never forget the places. There's similarities, red roofs and bright blue waters, but every stop is unique. Peppered with its own special flavor and ambiance. You dance until your legs are jelly in Hvar and take a speedboat taxi back to your own yacht. You swim in secret coves where the water is so bright blue it looks like it came out of a swimming pool. You get lost in quiet, twisting alleys trying to show affection to indifferent cats. You start to feel as if the boat is your home and then you blink and it's over.
Thomas made the video below of our adventures, capturing some of our favorite moments and towns. A little glimpse into our journey and an attempt to hang on to those fleeting memories and short week...

*old Free People dress, Sam Edelman sandals*

-The cabins are small and since you'll likely be sharing with someone else definitely do not bring two carry-on suitcases--they won't fit! Instead try to find collapsible luggage or share one carry-on between the two of you.
-Since it is a boat trip do bring a few swimsuits and plenty of sunscreen, but you really don't need more than three suits to rotate between.
-We had a small bathroom and shower on board but most people opted to use the public showers when we were docked because they were so much more spacious, so don't forget a pair of waterproof shoes (like flip flops, no need to be fancy).
-Sleeping in our cabin was our greatest challenge; a sleeping mask and ear plugs will help you get some shuteye no matter how loud the harbor is or when the sun rises!
-And this one might not fit in your suitcase, but try to pack an easy-going attitude. Our MedSailors skipper prepared two meals for us and did most of the sailing, but everyone on the boat chipped in with dishes and were eager to learn how to sail as well. Team spirit definitely makes the week and chores go faster!

Thank you MedSailors for sponsoring our Croatian holiday; as always all opinions are my own.