I always seem to find myself typing, or attempting to type at least, a fitting post for glamorous photographs when I'm feeling quite unglamorous.
The pictures are a different me, a dressed up me in a pretty dress and elegant location quite far-flung from my current "look" of old clothes and messy hair. We've been cleaning the house in anticipation of a visit from my parents and I feel quite homey sitting in our now spotless living room. My thoughts as grounded as my surroundings, running through a list of things we might have overlooked or still need to work on and quite distant from Monea Castle and little white dresses. Still, it's fitting to have twirled around that castle in a white dress with a flower crown since it was one of the locations Thomas had found and thought would be perfect for our wedding. The fact that it hasn't been used for anything since it was was abandoned in the 18th century made it difficult to "book" or organize a wedding at and ultimately the weather on our wedding date was too miserable to contemplate an outdoor ceremony or meal so I suppose it turned out for the best that we chose a different location in the end! Still it's a very stunning set of castle ruins in a quiet bit of countryside that makes a picnic or walk around the grounds feel very private.
flower crown, The Pretty Dress Company dress c/o, Royal Vintage heels
*pictures by Thomas*