After some time away exploring some of the Irish islands with my parents, we are back home in our little gatehouse. It's almost funny how good it feels to get back home after some time away. Our house always seems ready to welcome us with its cozy embrace and all our favorite things in their places. I like coming home so much apparently I'm starting to rhyme! There's something so cheerful about our little house that it's hard to put into words why we enjoy it so much, but right now we can't imagine living anywhere else.

I feel quite pin-up-y in these little shorts and heels. It's a very 1940s inspired look (no surprise if you recall this inspiration post) and it feels like something Betty Grable would wear to show off her "Million Dollar Legs." These shorts have the sweetest little bee embroidery though, adding the perfect little detail to set them apart and start a theme for an outfit. Bees on shorts? Time to pull out my bee necklace and flower ring! I suppose next on my list will be some bee themed novelty purse (this one or this one?)...

*pictures by Thomas*