I have been accused (usually in a teasing tone by friends) of being a creature of habit.
I think it's sort of odd to call someone who changes state or country of residence every three years a creature of habit. My life is uprooted so frequently it shapes the way I look at belongings and what I choose to collect and so on. But my friends in Pennsylvania thought it was odd I'd drive an extra ten minutes past a closer supermarket to one that was more familiar to me. But in the three years I lived in Pennsylvania I changed houses twice and had just gotten familiar with the layout of that supermarket when I moved. The thing is when you uproot and change a lot of things pretty frequently, it's nice to keep certain small things consistent. In PA I had changed houses, bought new furniture, and learnt what it was like to live in a new city with new housemates, but I wasn't about to memorize a new supermarket layout when I could get everything I needed in half the time at my old store just by driving a few extra miles!
Sartorially I also tend to be a creature of habit. I might try a new hairstyle or color every few months, but my clothing style is consistent through the years. Some weeks I even seem to just have the same shoes or accessories on repeat (I used the same handbag in every post this week!). I spent most of my summer in a pair of black, triple strap flats, and if this week is a sign of anything I'll spend most of autumn in these lace-up brown heels. They're comfortable, give me just a little bit of height, and go with everything (and make me consider what other lace up heels I should get). There's comfort in the familiar and knowing what to expect from things or places or people. So yeah, I might be a bit of a tumble weed with a penchant for major hair change, but I guess you can call me a creature of habit...

P.S. Get 60% off at Romwe (wear my lovely olive skirt is from) using code "RW-aclotheshorse60" within the next month!

*pictures by me*