Mustard yellow is fast on its way to becoming one of my "signature colors."
I don't mean signature in the way that I'm known for wearing this color (although it's possible people have noticed my affinity for yellow), but more signature in the sense of whenever I see something I like in a shop I immediately wonder if it also comes in mustard yellow. Cute purse, could I get that in yellow? Sweet dress, do you also have a yellow version? Thankfully there's now a faux leather yellow jacket out there to fill the void in my wardrobe. I feel like this beauty will look even more awesome customized; maybe some giant patch on the back and a load of pins on the lapels.

While less of a signature for me, I couldn't resist this little purse because it looks like Luna from Sailor Moon. That was one of my favorite animes when I was younger and it still holds a special sort of nostalgia for me which isn't too surprising since the artist was often inspired by couture. It's funny how that fashion inspiration and influence was there in the beginning even when I wasn't aware of it! Many of the costumes Naoko Takeuchi designed for her characters were inspired by the haute couture runways from the 1990s, so it's only fitting that my purse looks inspired from the anime. Inspiration going full circle!

*pictures by Thomas*