You can call me the Pumpkin-Queen! I've been waiting for quite awhile to wear this sweet pumpkin skirt (and perfect collared top which is actually a dress!) and there's no better day for it than Halloween itself.
It feels a bit strange to have Halloween on a Monday. Most people seem to have enjoyed the holiday earlier this weekend, so today is about as quiet and deserted feeling around here as this wee pumpkin patch by us. But we're still making the most of the day, carving our pumpkins and watching Hocus Pocus. How are you spending your Halloween?
It feels a bit strange to have Halloween on a Monday. Most people seem to have enjoyed the holiday earlier this weekend, so today is about as quiet and deserted feeling around here as this wee pumpkin patch by us. But we're still making the most of the day, carving our pumpkins and watching Hocus Pocus. How are you spending your Halloween?