Have you heard of Joanie Clothing?
They're a new, retro fashion line that comes in extended sizes and is pretty darn cute. My dress is by them, but I'm already coveting their gorgeous library book print pieces! That skirt has my name all over it. This dress is called the Betty and combined with the brand name I have Mad Men on the mind. As someone who loves to wear vintage clothing that show was such a visual treat; the amount of detail that went into the costumes and seeing real world vintage looks (as opposed to glossy films or ads from the era) was really inspiring. As almost always when I talk about my love of vintage I feel it is necessary to put a disclaimer that I have no interest in actually returning to the past or applying the values or lifestyle of that era to my life. I mean, I really like that style of clothes--I even enjoy the kitschy aprons, frou frou nightie sets, and super matchy accessories--but that is where my interest ends: the visuals. That's another reason to like Mad Men; it doesn't sugarcoat that time period and make life back then seem more ideal and appealing than life now (for women anyway!). So visually, I've been in the mood to wear more literal vintage looks lately and channel some retro hairstyles (pin curls here I come!), a re-watch of the show might be necessary...

*pictures by Thomas*