November has only just arrived and I'm battling jet lag and a post-Halloween candy coma! Although truthfully I probably ate more sweets on our flight home just prior to Halloween than I did on the actual day. It's hard to resist temptation on a 6+ hour flight with little to keep you occupied and a purse stuffed with Butterfingers (b/c I can't find Butterfingers in Northern Ireland, so I try to stock up on them when I'm stateside). Another thing I noticed on my recent flights and layovers is so much mustard yellow clothing. Girls in mustard hats, men with yellow jackets, scarves that perfectly matched my coat, etc. I haven't read too many magazines or online trend pieces lately so I'm probably quite late to the game at this point, but it seems like one of my favorite colors is very big this autumn/winter season. When something you love becomes trendy it's usually bittersweet. On one hand, you can celebrate because your favorite thing should now be readily available to you in loads of stores. If you, like me, love yellow, this is probably a good season to shop for all of those perfect yellow pieces to last you for years when some other color is "hot" and you can't find the mustard yellow coat of your dreams. However, since what you love is now trendy people will probably say "how trendy of you!" when they spy your sweet mustard beret that you've had for eons, implying you are following the trend rather than your personal tastes. As I said, bittersweet. But if you ask me, a few incorrect assumptions are worth filling your wardrobe with your favorite things.

*hat, old coat, Joules scarf, brooch, Good Looking Objects necklace, vintage dress, Joules wellies & fleece socks*

hat, old coat, Joules scarf, brooch, Good Looking Objects necklace, vintage dress, Joules wellies & fleece socks
*pictures by Thomas*
*pictures by Thomas*