Craic is a word you hear a lot of in Ireland. Upon meeting up with friends. "What's the craic?" After seeing people. "How was the craic?" Pronounced like crack, it basically means fun, or good times. It threw me when I first moved here how often people talked or asked about craic, but now it rolls off my tongue quite easily. I find myself asking others "what's the craic" and saying "it was good craic" after an enjoyable evening. Some days it feels like everything goes back to craic. And now, Armagh (our favorite local stomping ground for food, entertainment, etc) has The Craic'd Pot. A cozy coffee shop with the most welcoming interior and delightful hot chocolate. 

beret (more berets), old moto jacket (more styles here), fox scarf (similar), Samantha Pleet dress, notebooks

I'm not much of a cafe frequenter. Since I don't drink coffee, there's usually no reason to stop into a coffee shop, let alone linger over a cuppa. But in winter it is nice to escape your house for a change of scenery and bit of pastry. The better the ambiance, the more tempted I am to make such visits a routine; heading over with pen in hand and enough time to linger and people watch by the window...

*pictures by Thomas*