With the promise of milder weather we decided to brave a day up on the North Coast over the weekend. When the wind wasn't blowing it actually did feel quite nice, but of course along the coast the wind is almost always blowing and I was glad to have an extra large coat (not pictured here!) to burrow into as we explored the beach. I got this new tee from Camp Collective and while I love the back design (anyone else get the Let's Get Together song from the original Parent Trap movie stuck in their head??) it felt a bit plain in the front so I tried a little mini scarf action. I never know if I can pull off the neckerchief look; it's quite a Cool Girl look and I always feel like my scarf doesn't fall quite right or it just ends up making me look a bit neckless, but I keep trying it regardless. I think sometimes we can get too caught up in what looks work for us or are "us" and miss out on having fun experimenting with style. I know I fall into that trap too often! Cool girl looks (like awkward length girlfriend jeans, neckerchiefs, ombre hair, etc) always intimidate me the most since I'm still a bit of an awkward nerd inside. Anyway, it was a really fun day enjoying some of Northern Ireland's natural beauty again--something we don't do enough in the winter--finished with a cozy meal at our favorite harbour bar.