We drive down a lot of narrow, twisty roads on a regular basis. It almost doesn't seem to matter where we're going, there will almost always be some sort of tiny, country road we have to go down to get there. They're winding and hilly and so narrow you think it is a one-way, until someone comes along from the other direction and one of you has to reverse to the nearest gap in the hedge or stone wall to let the other pass. I'm not complaining though--as long as no one is making me reverse (I'm terrible at it)--since these roads are also some of the most scenic. It's landscape you almost can't capture in a picture and rarely appears on a postcard, but still makes your heart sing. Rolling hills, winding walls of stone and prickly gorse...timeless and lovely; a lot like I hope my style is these days. Simple flared skirts and classic button-downs (in nature inspired prints); I'm getting closer and closer to a style uniform and it involves a lot of mustard yellow, or should I say gorse yellow.

old jacket (more denim jackets), Modcloth blouse, vintage belt, Modcloth skirt, heels (more lace-up heels), vintage purse (similar)