These pictures were a disaster to take! I love taking photographs on this street because I love the colorful doors on these old stone buildings; it's just one of my favorite local streets full stop. So, I always want to take pictures here when I'm wearing something a bit more colorful and feel this area is a "no brainer" shoot location. I always seem to conveniently forget that this area is also a bit of wind-tunnel and in the afternoon hours when school is letting out and people are heading home from work it's also quite busy. Gangs of school boys kept walking past giving the weirdo in the pencil print dress posing in the middle of the street a bit of an odd look. Cars would park periodically on the curb behind us, which is fair enough if you live here and want to unload some groceries or what-have-you, but a bit inconvenient for the petite "model" twirling around for the camera. The wind kept blowing my dress in unflattering directions and my hair into my mouth...My list of complaints from this shoot is quite extensive and in the end I was quite ready to be done with the whole thing. Hopefully the pictures themselves are a bit less of a disaster (although finding one without a rogue child in the background was a bit difficult) because I really do like this print. I feel like it would be a great teacher dress--and it even is cut a bit longer, I hemmed mine.

beret, cardigan, Miss Patina dress c/o, old shoes, Cambridge Satchel Co backpack