I did say I was addicted, no? Well here is a third white dress this week, although again, quite a different style from the others. I don't truly believe in seasonal items; you can wear summer dresses in winter with tights and boots, or throw on some autumn-toned clothes in August if you want, but I do find white dresses so perfectly suited for summer and a little out of sync in autumn or winter. A white dress in the height of summer is just an ideal for me, made more complete by a wide brim boater hat and basket purse. It's a look inspired a bit by Picnic At Hanging Rock and a look I feel I come back to every summer without fail; there's just a dreamy (and eerie) feel throughout the film that perfect fits hazy summer days. This dress by Thief and Bandit features the loveliest hand printed fabric that seems to mimic the wild patches of weeds we often find at the edges of parks and fields here. Why is it so often that a field of wildflowers is prettier than a manicured garden? Someday I'd like to capture that "wild" look for my own garden, a bit of controlled chaos just outside our doorstep. We have been growing a number of weeds in the garden lately, but rather than the pretty purple plumed rosebay willowherb in these pictures we just seem to collect nettles! I don't have much of a green thumb, so while I have been weeding it when I can I doubt that ideal garden is going to bloom anytime soon! The garden has especially been in neglect since my family has been visiting for a couple of weeks. We just got back from exploring Donegal with them and our gatehouse is quite the welcome sight although definitely in need of some special attention. A few more weeds in the front garden and a half-dead kitchen herb garden have definitely felt our absence...

classic straw hat, Good Looking Objects earrings, Thief & Bandit dress, Lee Renee necklace, old flats