After a bit of a whirlwind September I'm taking things a bit slower this month and working on tackling a shorter reading list. After all, you can always add more to your reading list if you're flying through your books, but no point in putting too much on your plate and feeling guilty for not getting to everything! For October it just makes sense to be pulling out all of your spookier novels and mysteries to suit these darker days and the moodier season. Also, not on my reading list this year, but if you've never read it before, then no time like to present to crack open Dracula by Bram Stoker (Irish author!). One of the oldest vampire legends in the world comes from Ireland and I do think this spooky island is particularly suited for creepy stories and books...
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen: This is my favorite Jane Austen and seemed a suitable one to return to in October since it is a parody of a Gothic novel. One of these days I'd also like to read some of the stories referenced within the novel, like The Mysteries of Udolpho or The Monk. Austen's character Catherine is one I greatly relate to since I was also a young woman with quite the overactive imagination. I don't usually plug movies in my book posts, but the film adaptation starring Felicity Jones is quite delightful as well.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: This will be my first time reading Frankenstein, which is a bit ironic since I've often referenced to other people how Mary Shelley is the mother of science fiction. So many of the novels you read in school or growing up are authored by men and I always try to make a conscious effort to find books, art, photography, etc that is created by women.
A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle: I started this last month, so I'm working on finishing this one up soon. Again, this month just seems good timing for detective books--something to good me in the mood for the film noirs I will no doubt be watching next month (Noirvember, anyone?)!
Playing Big by Tara Sophia Mohr: This book was suggested in Me and Orla's podcast recently and it's "a practical guide for brilliant women." I don't read a lot of self-help or coaching style books, but I do like books that tackle creativity (Big Magic is a favorite of mine) and help keep you inspired and pushing towards your goals. I have a big new business opportunity looming so it seemed like really good timing to hear this book suggested since it might cover some of the confidence issues (business/professional-wise) I, and a lot of other women, would struggle with.