I don't take my bike out often in autumn or winter, but it did suit the scene on this pretty afternoon. I actually want to get a new bike sometime since this one is a bit big and heavy for me (I can't really touch the ground when I come to a stop) and Thomas is quite ready to claim this one as his own if I ever do find a suitable replacement--it is a men's bicycle after all! Still I'm quite fond the old thing, it will be hard to find something I like more than it. I'm always a bit like that when it comes to updating things--I won't buy or replace anything that's a bit worn down or even falling apart unless I can find something I like as much or more than the original. Sometimes I'd rather just go without a replacement than get something that doesn't measure up to the original. I think it's a good way to be though; a bit loyal and certainly not wasteful, you mind ways to make things work even as they start to get a bit worn down--you re-sole an old pair of boots, or keep typing away on that keyword despite the missing "t" key!
A fashion brand certainly made to be cherished in that way is Tiga Lily. Vintage inspired and handmade each collection is made in small batches, a maximum of 20 pieces per cut and fabric variation. I'm wearing the Yara blouse in mustard and Picadilly skirt; the blouse is something I would be drawn to from the get-go in that lovely warm tone I enjoy wearing so much. But I think the Picadilly skirt will be the piece I end up wearing the most, paired with pretty blouses like today's outfit or cozy knits as winter approaches.