Oh my word, I have been the busiest of bees lately! Not to be a tease, but there's big stuff happening off-blog that will be discussed here in due time that has been eating up every free minute. These pictures and Monday's as well were snapped while on a brief business trip to England; the latter in the fading evening light as night creeped up on us. All this proverbial buzzing about does make my sweet bee knit from Mademoiselle YeYe quite a fitting pick. I'm always a sucker for bees and this knit is autumn perfection; I love how it paired with a classic vintage skirt. I also snagged her rain cloud jumper--an equally appropriate choice given our gloomy weather. (Delicate flats were ill-advised for the wet ground, but as yesterday's post proves, I'm a sucker for ballet flats!) November is quite gloomy with its early nights and damp days, but the foliage in our area might actually be peaking now. I'm hoping to get out and explore some new areas before winter fully sinks her claws in!
P.S. I just got these new 300 denier tights and they're the best. Officially the tights I will be wearing all winter; so thick and soft (but not too tight/suffocating) and keep my legs so much warmer than almost all of my other pairs. Wish they had them in more colors! Definitely the pair to consider if you're looking to go through winter in dresses and skirts.