Whew! This November might just go down as one of the most hectic months ever for me. It's been full of ups and downs, both personal and professional, and more than a few (literal and figurative) stubbed toes! I'm glad it's wrapping up soon as I'm not sure how much more I can handle and I certainly hope December decides to settle down and be a bit more normal. At the very least I have the holidays with my family to look forward to and possibly a white Christmas...? One can hope! We did have a lovely evening yesterday decorating our house for Christmas, or at the least putting up our (tiny) tree. Now the living room feels quite festive and I look forward to enjoying those twinkling lights over the next few weeks. I'm not starting my vacation early, but the blog will be a bit quiet for the next week or so as I work on a very necessary update for it. After spending most of my Saturday trying to make the requisite fixes (and failing) I've bowed to the acknowledgement that a big change can't be done quietly over the weekend but will require an even greater time investment. So not much craic or shopping for me this week, but if you are fancying a bit of spend then check out Modcloth as they are having a Cyber Monday sale. As for me I'll be quietly working away on things behind the scenes...just as important perhaps but a lot less flash than pretty photographs from an autumnal bike ride!