I picked up this little pink pinafore dress with spring outfits in mind. I saw it paired with a floaty blouse and little flats while I ran errands in the sunshine, maybe with a basket bag on my arm...Instead I wore it last week with a sweater, snow boots, and a heavy coat while our little region got more snow than we saw all winter! You know the saying, "man plans, and God laughs"? Definitely a bit of that happening over here lately. I've had a lot of my plans derailed in the past month, from big sweeping plans of what the next five years of my life would look like to little, mundane plans about what I was going to do with my weekend. This unexpected snow is just the tip of the iceberg really, but it's a fitting metaphor for the direction my life has been going. It's daunting really when things go topsy-turvy, but you know, just because things don't always go the way you want them to there's no reason you can't appreciate where you do end up. This might not be the spring weather of my hopes and dreams, but isn't it so pretty?