I think when you picture Ireland in your head the image is one of rolling green hills dotted with sheep and stone walls and white-washed cottages with cheerfully bright doors and windows. Very Quiet Man, with a fiery Maureen O'Hara walking through that idyllic scene. Ireland in reality is much more diverse and in certain parts there's a real dearth of stone walls and cottages! The region I live in is known as "Apple Orchard County" so while we still have the occasional field with sheep, our hills are more likely to be covered in apple orchards, which makes for a gorgeous May time when the apple blossoms are out. I'm obviously biased, but I think it's one of the best areas to live in (although I wouldn't mind living along the coast one day either...), still even as much as I love our orchards and woodlands of wild garlic and bluebells, I also admire the more open rolling hills of other areas and the classic stone cottages they still hold. Wandering down a grassy path with these cheerful cottages ahead of you feels timeless.