When I was younger my sister and I used to fight over our signature color--we both wanted to claim red and weren't interested in sharing the color! It was such a random argument since we weren't very aware of signature looks and our closets definitely weren't dominated by one color, but we had got it into our heads that one of us ought to be able to "claim" red and the other wasn't having it. These days I wouldn't put up much of a fight for red, but yellow is becoming more and more of an unconscious signature for me. I'm still drawn to wearing loads of colors, but yellow is beginning to be the color I feel most "me" in. Sometimes I think I should focus in on that feeling and turn my closet into a mostly monochrome of yellow (with a few exceptions) rather than the hodgepodge of color and pattern it currently is. But it's hard to fully commit to one color when so many others have their unique appeal--red always feels powerful, blue is refreshing, white seems a necessary spring and summer thing, and what redhead doesn't wear green occasionally, and even pink is growing on me! You get the idea! But slowly and surely, yellow is still coming out king in my wardrobe--I recently hunted down a pair of yellow trainers and have been contemplating getting a yellow swimsuit. How do you feel about signature colors; is committing to one color smart and stylish, or should we all keep mixing it up? Dedicated to my love of yellow, here are a few of my yellow favorites right now. Maybe this is the year I go full on banana!