I'm a sucker for theme dressing. Walking through woodlands blooming with wild garlic? Let me wear a white dress and grab my basket. Going to the seaside? Time to bust out my lobster purse, or shark backpack and nautical print clothes. Lately shellfish have been on my mind and in a lot of shops--I'm so tempted by every lobster print, crabby bag, and nautical sandal. But how many lobster themed pieces of clothing does one girl need??? Seeing as there is so much out there in the shops right now, I thought I'd write a post featuring a few of my favorite finds for anyone similarly inclined. While my style preference does tip towards the cutesy when it comes to a theme, shellfish pieces can be done with vintage pizazz and elegance. For inspiration look no further than Schiaparelli's lobster dress from the 1930s or a modern beaded bag from Zara embellished with petite crabs. Whimsical chic.