
rapeseedoil white-3
When I shared some pictures of rapeseed oil fields previously I suggested they be renamed and asked what others thought they might be called. One person suggested "sundrops" and I really liked that name, so I decided to use it a bit myself. Because these fields really do seem to attract and hold the sunlight; amongst hills of green they're a beacon of vivid yellow. The perfect scene for a little slip of a dress and boater hat--although truth told, in summer everywhere is suitable for a boater hat in my opinion! I call this my "nightgown" dress because despite the pretty lace detailing, it's loose, voluminous shape make it appear like a some old-fashioned nightgown. Maybe something Wendy would have worn when flying to Neverland. But I love how billowy it is; perfect for hot days when something more fitted seems an impossibility. We also took our drone out on this trip--I love how dramatic the rapeseed oil field looked from above; a blanket of yellow with a lone stitch of tractor tracks running through it. I'm looking forward to more adventures playing with the drone this summer! rapeseedoil white-5 rapeseedoil white-34
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