I've discovered over the years that I'm just not a tee shirt sort of girl. It's a wee bit ironic I suppose considering I spent many of my formative years in jeans and tee shirts, but these days I never feel quite "myself" in a tee shirt even when I style them in a more quirky way. The truth is I don't think they suit me and my body type. However, no matter how hard I fight them I occasionally find myself falling for one that is too good to resist, especially with tees being so trendy. Every time I look in my favorite stores I seem to find a dozen tempting tees that I'm drawn too no matter that I'm convinced I won't actually wear them! Case in point: this flower chart tee. I mean it has some of my favorite flowers on it; sunflowers (ahem), bluebells, even poppies all rendered in vintage-style flower illustrations. Too irresistible indeed and I actually have worn it quite a bit this summer, proving that there are always exceptions to the rule!