I think at this point my Outlander fandom is a well known fact. I started reading the books as a guilty pleasure, but over the years I've really gotten over the guilty part of it and just enjoy them. The series lives up to the novels in a really beautiful way and the latest Season just started last week (can't wait for the next episode to premiere tomorrow). I made a mix of songs from the show for our road trip through Scotland this past summer and definitely have the theme song playing in the back of mind whenever I get a chance to explore standing stones. Of course, standing stones aren't unique to Scotland and we have several scattered over Ireland as well--meaning it's only a short drive away to twirl around some majestic stones in a dramatic dress. A necessary thing to do on occasion when you love Outlander and a new season is starting. I enjoy any excuse to put on a dramatic dress and visit a piece of mystical history.
P.S. If you want to catch up on past seasons of Outlander and start the new one, you can get a free trial to Starz here.

Free People dress, Alex Monroe fox necklace, old flower crown

Free People dress, Alex Monroe fox necklace, old flower crown
**Use this link to start your free trial to Starz now and catch up on everything Outlander.**
**Use this link to start your free trial to Starz now and catch up on everything Outlander.**