I write this from the gatehouse bed. That is, my whole body is tucked under the covers, with only my fingers free to type away on my laptop. I can say I am truly comfortable, with our much-abused hot water bottle warming my toes and our fox print duvet tucked all the way to my chin...Starting my posts like that always reminds me of the memorable opening of I Capture the Castle; a fitting book to come to mind considering the pictures I'm sharing today, although I should admit these ruins are church ruins not castle ones. Still dressed in green, perched in ancient stone, quite aptly calls Dodie Smith's classic novel to mind. Of course, if we get back to the aforementioned bed, the truth is not much comes to mind right now since I am suffering from a bad cold. Normally my mind would be buzzing with ideas and I'd be restless and bored to still be lying in bed at this time of day; instead I'm coughing, but content. Despite going to bed early last night, I have no desire to venture outside of my blankets today. I always find that lethargy and sluggish thoughts as clear an indication of a cold as any of the other symptoms. But these pictures were taken on healthier days in a lovely velvet dress by one of my favorites, Family Affairs (which is on sale right now) and some pretty jewels by Lee Renee.