My preoccupation with every blossom of spring might seem a bit silly. The way I write and photograph flowers it probably seems as if I go into conniptions every time I see a new bloom--I promise I'm not as dramatic as that in person. But I do like flowers and watching spring literally bloom into life. I enjoy it because it means winter is ending and the world is starting to fill with new beginnings both literal and figurative. I like that it means warmer weather is settling into our region and the sun is starting to set later and later. But I also like every blossom because they are so fleeting; they mark a season destined to end and the flowers themselves might only linger for a few days. Cherry blossoms like these are so delicate; I might walk by this row of trees in a day or two and if it's rained or we've had a bit of wind, the branches will be bare and the ground will be scattered with petals. Flowers like these are reminders to live in the moment and appreciate the season you're in. To see a cherry blossom in full bloom is to see an ephemeral thing of beauty; it's an invitation to appreciate today and a reminder that tomorrow isn't promised. How many times are we told that one day we'll look back on our life and wonder how we spent it? Or that as we get older how time seems to slip through our fingers at a startling speed? Observing every subtle change caused by the seasons in the landscape here keeps me present. I try to enjoy every blossom or autumn leaf when it appears, knowing full well that they won't be here forever. So yes, I have a bit of a silly preoccupation with flowers...
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.