If you ask me my favorite flower I might say a poppy or sunflower (it's always hard for me to pick); even when I picture in my mind some of my favorite landscapes it's usually bluebells woods or an unkempt patch of wildflowers beautifully random and free. These are the things that come to mind and yet as I visit various gardens around Northern Ireland and wander through the park near my home my eye is caught again and again by the towering rhododendron bushes. And I do mean towering, for you never see a rhododendron that is not already ten feet tall and bursting with color. Although not native, they seem to grow rampant here lending and almost tropical feeling to the otherwise temperate landscape. The rhododendrons aren't the only thing feeling tropical lately as our weather can only be described as quite exceptional (although I have a feeling we will soon return to our usual wet and cold spring days!) and has me bringing out my best sundresses and even daring to venture forth in sandals! When Maguba (one of my favorite clog companies) approached me about a spring collaboration featuring a pair of their sandals I told them it might have to wait until May as April is usually too brisk to contemplate sandals. Yet, here I am in April in Maguba sandals and my toes weren't even cold! I'm wearing the Athens style which appealed to me because all of the straps are fully adjustable and I have narrow feet. Like their clog styles the sandals feature wooden bases that are surprisingly comfortable and the low heels of most styles make them suitable for every day wear. If you're a fan of this style head over to my Instagram where I'm giving away a pair of Maguba clogs or sandals (winner's choice!).

**these pictures are edited with cherry blossom from my spring preset pack**