When in doubt: go to the library. When in a style quandary: wear foxes. At least that is one of my mottos as I do love all of the fox clothing. I'm not sure when I first started loving foxes, but I started collecting fox clothing in 2011, although at the time I didn't know it would become a "collection." I feel like the best collections are accidental ones, things you pick up instinctively again and again only noticing the pattern later in time. Fox clothing has definitely been that for me, it started rather small and innocuously enough with a fox print tee and knit hat, but now it's to the point where I design jewelry centered around little fox charms and hunt down every fox-related piece that I can. It doesn't help that my obsession has become rather common knowledge and now people will email me tips on fox clothes they've found in shops recently or brands will tempt me with foxy items. One temptation I'm happy to cave for: Magnus Clothing's removable fox collar. It's the perfect accessory for me, now I can instantly turn any outfit into a fox outfit by just adding this collar. I'd normally pair it with a cozy knit, but this time I thought I'd wear it with a classic plaid dress instead and I love how this outfit came together! The collar looks like it was always meant to be a part of this dress and now I'm imagining a dozen other dresses in my closet I could pair this collar with.
P.S. If foxes aren't your thing, Magnus also makes removable peter pan collars with mushrooms, pumpkins, cats, bunnies, sunflowers--the list goes on!