I'm not always one to recommend "if you love something, buy three versions of it!" I mean sometimes I wish I thought that way--after I fall in love with something I'll kick myself for only getting one, but generally I don't tend to buy a lot of things all at once so it doesn't even cross my mind to buy one skirt in three colors! However when you have a set style repeats do tend to happen even if you don't buy them all at once! that is what happened with this skirt; I started with the black version and then added the maroon and brown versions since I knew how much wear they could get. My intuition was right since I've now had these skirts since 2015 and I still wear them loads. So it still seems advisable to me to start with one piece and then buy it in another color later once you know it will gets lots of wear and not before. Another tip when investing in multiples is to stay practical with the colors you choose; even if you love the style you should still choose colors you know you will wear a lot and match the rest of your wardrobe. I stuck to very classic colors with mine: black, brown, and a deep red; all of which have stood the test of time and still match most of my wardrobe. If I had bought this skirt in a bright color like teal or pink it would never have got as much wear! And that should be our goal when shopping: buying clothes that we will wear again and again. This style skirt is called a "skater skirt" with a button/tab front; it's quite simple really but sometimes you need those basics to allow your other pieces to take center stage. My skirts are pretty old so I can't link to the exact ones I bought, but this style is still around so I'm linking to similar styles at the end of the post if you love this skirt too.
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.