When Thomas collected his favorite pictures from the past year for his only annual post I also had a look through our year in photographs. A number of my favorites differ from his, but one thing that stood out to me was just how many photographs from the past year I truly loved. When you start any creative project there's this gap between the work you want to create and what you can create. Expertise is not learned overnight and while I devoured the work of Tim Walker and Rodney Smith and others back in my early days of blogging and photography, my work was a far cry from theirs (my work is probably still a far cry from theirs!). It can be incredibly frustrating to have an idea of what you want your art to look like and then time and time again see your art fall short of that lofty goal. Even that frustration in the beginning is a good thing though--recognizing your need for improvement is necessary in order to strive for better. Recognizing good, mediocre, and bad art is necessary for ultimately creating good art. If we thought everything we did was brilliant, we'd never feel the need to improve. Bad and mediocre are necessary steps towards good and amazing.

Doen pinafore, old blouse, hair bow, GoodAfterNine owl rings & necklace, handmade journal
**edited with Snug from my Cozy preset pack**
**edited with Snug from my Cozy preset pack**