Would you believe these pictures were taken behind an old tennis court? I often have people ask where the locations of my photographs are and while some are really lovely spots, most are merely little pockets of beauty. My favorite patch of cherry blossom trees stands opposite of an office building (I often wonder if they're watching me from the windows when I take pictures in spring), the clematis wall I found was at the back of an estate, and I have been known to take pictures in patches of wildflowers beside busy roads. Some spots are scenic. I love shooting at my in-law's farm, the orchards are peaceful and lovely and I'm only disturbed by the occasional rabbit. One of my favorite areas in early spring is our hidden patch of wild garlic in the woods near my home; we follow badger trails into the woods and never see another soul in that area. But I also like trying to find beauty in somewhat "ugly" areas and photography makes it easy to control your angles, so you don't need a massive field of wildflowers or undisturbed nature for some of the loveliest photographs. Despite the tennis court surrounded by a chainlink fence a foot to the side, these photographs came out quite ethereal and soft.
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