When you love vintage inspired linen dresses your closet often toes the line between costume and everyday wear. I rarely feel like I'm in a costume in my favorite dresses, but I know to others some of my more dramatic outfits can look quite costume-y. Still I've only rarely intentionally tried to channel a character from a movie or book. Last autumn I did a re-creation of one of my favorite LM Montgomery books; dressing up like Anne felt fun and natural. I relate a lot to that character and if I wear my hair in braids or put on a puffed sleeve dress I often get compared to her by fellow fans of the books. Today I tried to channel another favorite character, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, as depicted in the 2005 film version of Pride and Prejudice. I know many people find the 1995 version more accurate (don't call it the "old" version when there's a black and white one starring Greer Garson!), but I love the cinematography, musical score, and costumes (accurate or not) in the 2005 version. The way the camera pans around outside the Bennet house showing different characters in their rooms like peeking into a doll house is just one of my favorite scenes in a movie. Add to that the beautiful scenery around England captured in majestic scale on Elizabeth's trip with her aunt and uncle and well, how can you not love it? I tried to channel the style of that character and those scenes in a manor house garden.

*pictures edited with Golden Hour from my Summer Preset Pack*