We spent a couple of days up along the Antrim Coast over the weekend. It was part of a trip we planned to take with my parents when they visited me this summer, but as that trip couldn't happen this summer we headed up for a shorter stay with my mother-in-law. Even though it was only for a few nights it was so refreshing to have a change of scenery; we haven't left our village much in the last few months, we've bought all our groceries local and done most of our traveling by foot, only going where we could access within walking distance. It's a blessing to live in such a beautiful area with so much nature on our doorstep and so many places we can explore on foot, but it was also really nice seeing the sea again and hearing the sound of the waves as I fell asleep at night. I used to live within walking distance of the ocean and it was a really wonderful experience to be able to walk outside and be at the sea in every season. When I lived there I saw the shore on foggy mornings when the waves weren't even visible until they were touching your toes and even saw the sand covered in a blanket of snow one winter. I'm very happy in my little village, but sometimes I dream of living by the sea again...

"A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; and plunging down
Forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown."
-William Butler Yeats

old Free People dress, color changing pearl light, Maison Archives hair clip, GoodAfterNine rings
*edited with Backlit from my Summer Preset Pack*