August marks the start of harvest season in my region. I feel like we often associate harvest and autumn with later months, but Lughnasa used to be celebrated here on August 1st and according to meteorological calendars autumn starts on September 1st. With the wheat fields being sown and the crab apples ripening in the orchards and a new chill in the air it certainly feels like harvest time with autumn waiting eagerly around the corner. It's a busy but beautiful season on the farm; the air is filled with the scent of apples and there's no shortage of fresh fruit to enjoy. I can't wait to start collecting Victorian plums or enjoying the first fresh pressed juice of the year. All ready I'm transitioning my wardrobe to match the shifting seasons; I find myself wearing more aprons and layers, my favorite colors to wear transitioning into darker, richer tones and more neutrals reflecting the colors of the orchards and nature around me. Soon I will be packing up all my light summer dresses and unpacking all of my coziest knits; trading my ballet flats for brogues and boots.

Voriagh blouse & apron dress (gifted), hair bow, old flats, vintage basket
I'm always leery of doing posts on my favorite shops because inevitably I will forget one; it's easier just to link to pieces as I wear them as that's the most accurate representation of what I love to wear and where I like to shop. Case in point: when I made my post on ethical fashion I left out Voriagh, a lovely ethical brand based in Paris. Many of their clothes are made in a family workshop in Paris using French linen and other fabrics, while they also carry belts woven in Lithuania with traditional methods, and in the winter months, gloves and stoles from Ukraine, handknit by the victims of the war in Sarajevo. Talk about a shop that thoughtfully considers every item they produce and sell; when you buy these pieces you're not only getting a wonderful new item but you're also helping support so many communities. One of my favorite pieces is their apron dresses. I have a black apron dress from them last year and this year they sent me this new apron dress in "natural." Most linen aprons you find have to be layered over dresses; they're meant as an accessory more than a main garment, which is why I love Voriagh's apron dresses. You can wear them over dress and blouses, but they're a full dresses by themselves, no layering required. It gives you so many more options when styling them and I love how much the silhouette can change depending on how you tie it or layer it.
Aprons dresses always feel like the perfect nod to harvest season and autumn. It's a busy season on the farm. All ready they are picking the Victoria plums before the wind and wasps can eat away at them. Once the apple picking starts they'll be out early every morning until the afternoon picking and gathering apples by hand. Nearly everyone in the family gets involved in the picking come September, although I have so far avoided the task...

*pictures edited with the Golden Hour preset from my Summer Preset pack*